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Default May 18, 2015 at 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Keyslost View Post
If I understand this correctly:
Well if you look for the clinical answer it is that the "wiring" in your brain is different and so you hear things. This is not your fault or karma just what happens sometimes

Here's my answer: People put you down to make themselves feel better. If you believe them to be mind readers then it is only b/c they are uncomfortable with themselves. Now I don't mean to "feed into" schizophrenia but if that were the case it would not be you that is the problem it's them. Now as for the karma issue, I believe that some people are given huge challenges by chance? Greater power? What ever you believe in these challenges are set up before any choice is made not after. Imo these events were set into motion long before you were born to make you into something great. A person who survives despite being told negative constantly. And I mean ALL the time.

I do not have schizophrenia but I've gotten to get a glimpse of what it's like to not be able to focus or sleep b/c voices belittle you and tell you to kill or kill yourself. It amazes me how much strength someone like you must have to persevere on a day to day basis. So if I may overwhelm those voices for just 1 second and say you are awesome

Please feel free to msg me if you ever want to talk
thanks for the reply. it is very hard to live with voices and telepathy. i mean even when they are being nice to me it's overwhelming. (they just finished my sentence for me before i typed it) too many cooks in the pot. it get's confusing and frustrating. and even though i am sure there might be something to what they are saying. it's not What they say but the way they say it that is my problem.

thanx for being there for me!

Searching For the Light
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