Thread: epilation
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Default Jul 08, 2007 at 07:37 AM
i got one:

and it really wasn't as painful as i expected it to be! i mean it is painful but it isn't as bad as i thought it would be. i'm the kind of person who prefers to take the band aid off slowly, however, and so i have to say that i prefer this to waxing because i have more control.

i do have a bit of a rash on my legs but no worse than i get with waxing and i guess it will be gone tomorrow. should probably get an exfoliating sponge because you have to be careful about ingrown hair apparently.

it came with a starter head but after about 10 minutes i was getting bored so i switched over to the other head. i had a go at my underarms too but i want to check that out a bit more...

i picked this one because it had good reviews online. some people were saying that they bled when they were trying to do their underarms, though. they were saying that you have to make sure you pull the skin taught or the tweezers pull your skin. i'm not sure whether that is what is happening or whether i'm bleeding because some follicles have about three hairs coming out of them. just a tiny bead of blood... made sure i used the steralising gel before epilating my pits and rubbed savlon antiseptic cream on them after but i'll admit that i stopped once i saw blood because i worried that i wasn't doing it right. i'll have another go tomorrow...

i got this one because it was on sale. this one and another one (with gold tweezers) came up as the best rated from people but the other one only came with a 1 year warantee and many people said that it died just out of warantee (and it was about twice as expensive as the one i got). so...

i'll find out about the bleeding... unless anyone here knows???

happy with my legs

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