I did the whole cognetive thereray thing and all it did was get me more anxious b/c it wasn't helping and my co-pay was $40 a session! The Linden Method says that those types of therapies don't help with anxiety b/c you need to unlearn anxious behaviors and store them somewhere they can't be found. The therapists (at least mine did) constantly try to pull up past events and make you "relive them" over and over. All that's doing is empowering your anxiety reaction! If you have already addressed your past (which I'm sure you have by now) accept it and move on. Don't constantly remind yourself of things that might have been influential in causing your condition. Everytime you start to have an anxious sensation or start to think about your anxiety you are supposed to distract yourself by doing something that takes all of your focus. This is what I'm having the worst time with. I find myself thinking about my anxiety (mostly my anxiety symptoms like nausea and the sensitivity to light and foods) b/c they are always with me and always on my conscious. I constantly have to throw my mind else where but little by little it's easier to do. Working out is really helping b/c all I think about is the workout. If I can give any advice from the hell I've been going through it is to "STAY OFF MEDS" completely. Good luck.