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Default Jul 09, 2007 at 09:43 PM
I just wanted to say that I think this thread is awesome!

Good for you alexandra, wizkid and spiritual emergency for questioning the "norm"!!

Questioniong is always good and from what I've seen, this subject of anti-psychotics being used indefinately to "control" (that's my view) people with little regard to life altering side affects, can only lead to the evolving of our knowledge and giving those that struggle a better chance.

Who would want to live out their life not being able to think straight and/or function on their own, due to drugs?? why settle for such a life??... when-- perhaps.... changing the ways one thinks and interprets things could be what is needed. (like: feeling about the voices in a different way)

I know a psychologist that has many many years experience and believes talk therapy without drugs is the answer in most cases of schizophrenia.(and he's definately NOT a scientologist) I don't understand why some people get so defensive with the idea that meds could be just as much the problem(if not more) as the person's thinking, in the worsening of this affliction...... do some want to "protect" the drug companies???

I have a cousin that has been on the streets-- literally homeless, for 20 years-- diagnosed with schizophrenia..... I know how meds have NOT helped her.

I hope that soon there will be a healthy solution for this, without harmful side affects... I think it will happen... and who knows, when it does, we might look back with aghast at how we treated these people with life damaging drugs.....

mandy.... this is all my view and opinion....
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