Originally Posted by robcalher
Yep, that's how they are here. Saying clonazepam and vyvanse are addicting. Clonazepam is the only thing that has worked for my anxiety. I am from Colorado so this change in healthcare is very upsetting. Low quality but don't have insurance so I don't really have a choice but go to these cheap docs. They don't seem supportive and act like I'm on drugs. Only the prescribed ones. I'm already s******l. Taking me off of stuff while in this state of mind will only add more stress. They seem to think it will all just go away. She said if I wanna be happy it is all up to me. Like it's so simple. Confused.
I don't blame you one bit! It IS confusing!! I'm confused, too...a few years ago I had a p-doc urge me to go UP on my klonopin dose. Fortunately, I refused because I was already concerned about the tolerance I knew I had developed. Now the past 2 p-docs I've seen are exceedingly anti-benzo and are rushing me to get off the k-pin. I saw a neurologist a few months ago who acted like I was dirty scum for being on klonopin
exactly as prescribed.
I'm more than pleased to get off the stuff, buuuut
slowly. I'm also terrified of benzo withdrawal syndrome, which NONE of these MD's seem to acknowledge as VERY REAL. The whole mess seriously affects my trust in doctors, I'll tell you what. And I do believe big $$$$ is involved.