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Member Since Nov 2007
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Default Aug 10, 2015 at 09:02 PM
Zoloft has pooped out on me, and I'm sliding into a deep depression which really can't happen now because I go back to school in 2 weeks. I called my pdoc and left him a message explaining what's going on and asking if I could get a new script even though I can't see him because I'm working and go back to school soon...but I feel like I've been on everything!

Here's what I've been on:
  • Zoloft (twice now)
  • Lexapro
  • Celexa
  • Effexor XR
  • Prozac

...and probably more that I can't think of because my brain is functioning at probably 50% right now.

I want something effective that works fast, and it would be awesome if it helps with OCD too, though right now I'd rather deal with that monster than the depression if those are my options.

Lexapro worked great for me for about 2 years then pooped out, and the same with Zoloft. Celexa and Effexor were horrible, and Prozac was just so-so.

What else is out there? Any suggestions? In terms of psych meds I'm also on Latuda and klonopin, so I can pretty much take anything...and if I suggest something, chances are my pdoc will willingly write a script for it.

He'll probably call in the morning, so, suggestions please!
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AnxietyMaster, Pierro