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Default Aug 18, 2015 at 11:13 PM
Im sooooo new to this, so I don't know if my responses are 'normal' or not. But if you were my friend I would be happy for you to ask questions. In fact - Id appreciate it. In my mind when someone asks questions it means two things - 1) They are interested - which is a really nice feeling, and 2) It acts like its giving me permission to speak about it. Its highly unlikely I will say anything about whats going on in my head without someone asking me first.

There are days where I really don't want to talk about it, or where nothing is going on and I feel normal. On those days my response might cut you dead, but inside I would still be appreciate of your concern and questions.

I have no idea if thats what your friend is like, but I hope this helps
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Thanks for this!
Georgia Bridge, juniper1959