Diphenhydramine (Benadryl - allergy med) did something like that to me. I would try and sleep and the smoke alarm light would move where I'd get a jolt and feel like I'm about to die and I would check my heart because if I didn't, it would stop. I would check my heart every 30s to a minute so it doesn't stop. Also recreationally, the body zaps were so bad.
It was at the time where I stopped the Prozac and on holidays skiing.
I would be extremely anxious and my heart would beat super fast and into the hot tub which did well for the anxiety. Then when its too hot, I would walk on the ice in a cloud of steam in -20C for a while.
Are you eating well? Cuz for me, I need nutrients especially electrolites or I go nuts. But on Prozac, nothing happens.