A few days ago, I got my license and I was driving to get something to eat on a very congested road. I don't really remember what I was doing, whether I was distracted or my reflexes weren't quick enough, but next thing I knew, I rear-ended a car. Nobody was hurt, but I vividly remember the moment when I realized my brakes weren't strong enough to stop me completely. Thankfully, the woman didn't call the police or insurance and I just paid her $60 cash for a very minor injury. But now every time I drive, even if I stop 100 feet back, I feel that same feeling. Like I'm completely helpless and that my brakes aren't going to stop me. Is this just a natural reaction? I know it happened a short time ago, but honestly, I'm so afraid to drive now because I feel like I'm going to wreck every time I do.. Is this natural or is it just PTSD from the accident? Thank you for your replies!