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Default Sep 06, 2015 at 06:25 PM
You could call United Way at 211 and explain your situation and ask if they could refer you to someone who could explain how (and if) your situation is going to change any when you turn 18. If you live with your parents and are covered by their insurance and are claimed as a dependent on their income tax returns, it's not a given that things will be any different when you are 18.

It also may be the case that there may be some low-cost additional insurance your parents could get that would give you and your siblings better coverage.

Also, they should be able to refer you to some low-cost mental health resources if you want them to. If you have a primary care doctor who's understanding, that would also be a good person to talk to.

I can understand your concern about parents dealing with the expenses that your brother incurred, but this is an important year for you. There are a lot of life decisions to be made, and being depressed and anxious all through your senior year sounds miserable.

It sounds totally understandable to me that having your whole family disappear on you on this holiday weekend would bring on increased anxiety and depression.

I understand what you mean about senior year. It's been a long time since I was in high school, but I turned 18 early in the school year like you're going to, and I think being a little older than most of my classmates made senior year seem like one repeat too many in lots of ways.

You can always come talk to the people here on Psych Central. It's a good spot for venting.
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