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Default Sep 21, 2015 at 07:42 PM
I get the food thing. I'm right there with ya. Pizza & ice cream.

My main thing is sleeping. I'm chronically late for work. Sometimes 14 to 19 hours. I'm not sure why. There is nowhere else I'm more comfortable than being dead to the world. Also since I have avoidant traits and the way I've lead (perhaps not lead) my life.... I just don't have a reason to wake up, I have nothing to wake up to.

My fear of looking stupid and making mistakes. I avoid doing things that could cause these. So my field of things that would potentially make me look stupid and make mistakes keeps getting wider and the things I can actually do keeps getting narrower. And it just throws me way behind of the normal milestones people go through. So, like now, I'm feeling somewhat healthy and confident but the fact that I've never tried these things holds me back. What would people think.... they would think something is wrong with me.
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