What you're describing definitely sounds unpleasant and uncomfortable. I can't tell if it's a panic attack or not. I hope that someone with more knowledge will post.
It would probably be a good idea to see your primary care doctor. If you can take notice of what you've had to eat and drink and any stressful situations that occur before you have the panic/anxiety feelings that might be helpful to your doctor.
I was going to include a link for Yogic Breathing - it's very calming. I can't find a link with instructions that make any sense, though. I was thinking specifically of the breathing exercise where you breathe in for a count of 6, hold for a count of around 4, then exhale for 8 counts.
There are probably some videos on YouTube with demos.
I hope you find out what's going on. I'm assuming that you're in your teens or early 20s. I don't know why exactly, but it's very common for anxiety and panic symptoms to crop up at this age. Of course there's plenty of stress and new things to experience, but I really think there's something physiological as well.
I would tell you to try not to freak out if this happens again, but I know it's hard. I have been one of those people who ended up having anxiety/panic problems off and on throughout my adult life. It can get to be commonplace, although of course no one wants it to happen often enough for that to happen.
The only benefit is if I have those kinds of symptoms now, it's more tiresome than anything. It's like "Oh look - I'm hyperventilating. Do I have any Kleenex?"
But it would be good to talk to your doctor, let him listen to your heart if he wants, just let him know what's going on. I found if I severely limit sugar and caffeine and exercise regularly that it controls my anxiety pretty well.