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Default Oct 07, 2015 at 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Atypical_Disaster View Post
Interesting post and perspective. Feelings aren't something I'm at all good at articulating and I'm okay with admitting that(ENTJ here, HA!), so this was an interesting read as a fellow Narcissist.

I've read in a few places that borderlines tend to be attracted to Narcissists... Eh, I think borderlines and myself have some of the strongest personality clashes. It just doesn't work on either side.
Based on my experience, both my last two exes and a former close female friend with benefits had BPD. They were attracted to me almost to a point of obsession early on, but the first time I said something wrong and triggered their BPD symptoms, things went downhill until I had to let them go. It also doesn't help matters that I also have bipolar and am therefore, prone to saying or doing stupid things during mania haha

So yeah, I think BPDs are perfect for physical relationships or short term flings with narcissists, but they're terrible for anything long term and serious.
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