Thread: Roll Call 64
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Default Oct 17, 2015 at 06:49 AM
Today is the day I was supposed to graduate with my honors degree from college. Years in planning this was the date that I would have finally accomplished something big. I've finished plenty of little things like a Higher Certificate (or an Associates Degree to the Americans) and a stupified leaving school exams designed for trouble makers. This was supposed to be it, no on ever thought I'd make it, and I didn't. Going to be a little bit sad today looking through all the lads pictures on facebook. Not envious, these guys did what I couldn't and I commend them for it. A great bunch of lads they are, it's a pity I won't be out partying, celebrating with them tonight. Such a shame. Mental illness is not a joke, and it's nothing to be underestimated. But I'm getting there, slowly but surely.
Hugs from:
Anonymous37841, Atypical_Disaster, Gr3tta, junkDNA, Sometimes psychotic