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Default Oct 18, 2015 at 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by WibblyWobbly View Post
I've been diagnosed episodic mood disorder nos (whatever the hell that is!), BP and BPD. I've been told not to label myself and that this diagnosis is for right now and "evolving."

Personally, I don't care what you call it, I just want the symptoms treated so I can function like a "normal" human being!! Having euphoria one week and suicide plans the next is caused by something. I don't care what, I just want it treated. Stick a label on there so insurance will pay and give me some meds, any meds, that will end this hell.

Sorry for the downer post, I'm in a bad place today.
This is the kind of thing I mean. Bipolar label is given to everyone with bpd so they can get meds for something that is better dealt with in therapy.

Symtoms are different and treatment is different, but lazy doctors and people go for the meds as a quick fix. And they wonder why there is such a problem with medications.

I know in my city, they will recommend dbt first now and will not admit bpd to hospital, where as bipolar is treated differently and more seriously as it is seen as a serious illness, bpd is no more than a patient who has not got the basic skills to cope with everyday issues and is continually triggered into mood states.

I hear it a lot that bipolar is at fault. Perhaps so patients feel less guilt from their behaviour?
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