Oct 27, 2015 at 06:41 PM
It's really up to you. If you care to figure out a way to manage your feelings during visits.. is it worth it to you? They probably will never change. Do you have a professional to vent with ... or us of course. It's hard to be around those that we have resentful feelings for.... especially if they have no idea. Do things on your terms. Ultimately it's your life with the people you choose to spend your time with.
“A person is also mentally weak by the quantity of time he spends to sneak peek into others lives to devalue and degrade the quality of his own life.” Anuj Somany
“Psychotherapy works by going deep into the brain and its neurons and changing their structure by turning on the right genes. The talking cure works by "talking to neurons," and that an effective psychotherapist or psychoanalyst is a "microsurgeon of the mind" who helps patients make needed alterations in neuronal networks.” Norman Doidge