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Member Since Jul 2007
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Default Aug 07, 2007 at 04:31 PM
Im not looking for a relationship Ive been single for 7 years and that remains the same. I wouldn't involve myself unless I knew it was the right person.. ie: healthy connections and communication..he would be a positive enhancement to my life and I would be to his, etc.

I had walked away last year.. and I gave him another chance as a friend this year, thinking maybe he did pause for reflection and realize himself. For a while I wasn't sure that he was bipolar, and he keeps denying he is. I have had more patience than the "average bear" for this person BECAUSE I know he has these issues, otherwise I would walk away. I am a very strong person and thats why I've been around, for friendship, for someone he can talk to when he's not "swinging". It is when the person begins to think that my strength is weakness, or my being there is my wanting abuse, that I have to walk away. Its amazing to me that anyone would ever come to such a half crocked conclusion that anyone would be enjoying the drama, and that they are in your life for any other reason than compassion. I guess some people enjoy drama, I never have..but it seems so many people are dramatic, in my workplace, I can't get away from it. People with issues gratitate towards me to talk about them, but never do anything about them. They usually have no idea how much experience and advice I myself have doled out, all they know is, Im a great listener and point out things they never thought of.

I know life is not only about teaching but learning. Ive never not wanted to learn, I think thats why I know so much in part, because I've always been open to learning through others, in relation to other human beings.

Other than running away from him, that I can do anytime, and that 99% of women knowing him would do.. are you saying theres no way to talk to him, communicate with him, that would calm him down? Are you saying that only meds and therapy will help him? I Have offered to go with him... but how does he find a good doctor and good start? Is there a place where he can look for this?

Also is the way he acts typical bipolar behavior.

I looked into the thread about bipolars and their sleeping problems. Much to my disappointment, he has nightmares as some of the others posters posted. He too has said sometimes he doesn't sleep "because of the nightmares". What causes these nightmares that they would exist in so many bipolars? Whats going on inside the mind that creates this and so many of the shared characteristics?? Im new at this, I have to know.


A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. (Albert Einstein, 1954)

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