Thread: prostate cancer
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Default Nov 04, 2015 at 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Skeezyks View Post
Hello daggy: I was diagnosed with prostate cancer... oh... maybe 15 years ago... I was quite young considering. I was fortunate though in that it was caught at an early stage. I underwent a radical prostatectomy but did not have to have radiation or chemo therapy. So I guess one could say I was lucky. Allot of what you're going to experience probably depends on how advanced your cancer is & on what treatments your physician recommends. There are treatment options available today that were not available to me, or at least were not recommended. Anyway, I wish you all the best with your battle ahead.
Thanks for sharing it is quite daunting at first . Here is hoping the medics have advanced enough now that the treatment can catch it all early.

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