I am divorcing my wife soon. Her evil, her denial, has crushed me. Ive been married 5 years and still love her with all my heart. She stopped taking her meds and refuses to see her psych. I Baker Acted her two years for a suicide attempt (which she denies). At that time, at the hospital, they classified her BPD. At the time, she had lost her 4th job, sitting home no independence, going literally crazy. Talking about CIA stuff, lost too much weight, nad sever mania. After the hospital, she was good for about 18 months, until 6 months, "it" broke. She has kept her job (somehow), but her vile evil and lack of love in this marriage is burying me. I would do anything to help her if she would accept it. Her mother and father line 1200 miles away and are truly useless and pathetic in every facet. Sadly, with the biggest hole in my heart I called a divorce lawyer. Im terrified of living without her even though Ive been in a hotel the last 5 days. I cant picture my life without her-but I must.