Thread: Weekends
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Default Nov 08, 2015 at 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by sjkero View Post
Weekends are the worst. I'm always alone... no friends, no T, thinking about T 24/7... knowing she fills her weekends with family and friends, so much love... and I'm here. Just me. She feels light years away and while I love her I hate her for having a fulfilling life outside of the office... She's so good to me, but I hate when she's happy (it sounds horrible but I know it's based on neediness)... Her happiness extends beyond office hours and mine doesn't, and I'm mad at her for that... how dare she switch gears and forget about me during the weekend? I'm horrible. Without even knowing them, I hate her family and friends for having access to her 24/7, and being in her warm comfort all the time... laughing, making memories. I think and overthink... and fantasize about the fun she has with those she is intimate with. Which doesn't include me. God I'm a mess.
As others have said, these are really normal feelings a lot of us have about our therapists. Whenever I had a pang of jealousy like this about my x therapist, I'd remind myself that she no doubt woke up with bad breath and stumbled out of bed to step in cat hairball gak, that she grumbled about the kids not doing their chores and she ended up having to take the garbage out to the curb by herself, that on Sunday afternoon, her husband was planted on the couch watching endless football and NOT helping her rake the two feet deep freakin' fall leaves on the front lawn, and then, when she called her best friend to gripe about her husband's selfish behavior, her best friend blew her off to talk about her own problems and then cancelled their lunch date for the following week for the third week in a row. Then of course, she had a total meltdown at dinner time when she spent all afternoon cooking a healthy family dinner and no one wanted anything because they'd gorged themselves on chips, dip and popcorn all afternoon watching the games. Truth is, their lives are just as mundane and fraught with boring life problems as the rest of us.
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Thanks for this!
Cinnamon_Stick, detfan4life, eeyorestail, harvest moon, Inner_Firefly, LonesomeTonight, Myrto, nervous puppy, sjkero, stopdog, unaluna