[QUOTE=DocJohn;485951]Other than Psych Central, what are your favorite or top resources/blogs/news sites/etc. you visit regularly for this disorder or issue? Please reply to this thread and list a few of what you consider the best of the best online today.
Thank you!
I enjoy crazyboards.org It has blogs, chatrooms, forum's and other members respond quickly. I've bailed out on 3 social obligations today. My paranoia is off the charts. I'm just waiting for someone to knock on the door and lock me up. Or kick the door down while I'm in the shower. I'd hate to be taken away naked. When I was suicidal I always wore swimming trunks when I got into a warm bath with a knife. Out of respecthe for the person finding me. Prozac, welbutrin, in vegan and 8 years cured me.