Thread: Detransitioning
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Default Dec 21, 2015 at 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by Bark View Post
Transsexual regret |

Please don't assume and accuse. All you need is an Internet search to see all the people saying "OMG see it's just a crazy new fad. Next they'll want to become animals". If the trans community is trying to keep it hush-hush, they're doing an extraordinarily bad job of it.

Not to mention anyone who wants to undergo surgery has plenty of time to think about the what-ifs.

If not a single person ever wanted to detransition, I'd be mightily surprised. People can come to regret anything. People make bad life-changing decisions. It's human nature.

And lastly: someone said being a woman is too much work? That's a complaint about gender roles, and not all people adhere to them. I'm sorry, it just sounded too ridiculous to me.
I'm not assuming...I've heard it mention here and there, really doesn't matter to me.

The too hard to be a woman thing I think was more about the upkeep and make up. But that's how she felt.

I mean you got that Walter guy and all the other churches practically screaming about it....after a few moments listening to them, it kinds of leave you shell shocked wondering why did I click that garbage in the first place.

Anyways, it as just new and interesting.
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