I too enjoyed the fetish site I was on. Great place for info & research.
But I must say get to know your munch, bdsm community very well. I got to know people, but also realized some very negative things about my home community so I left it.
I did learn some things.
Everyone is different! And if you can accept that, then you're fine. Yes I don't understand everything when it comes to fetishes, but my type of kink I practice can usually repulse people. Which makes me very leery to play in public. But I know there are some that only come to watch & that's fine with me.
I'd recommend Before you do anything is to figure out what you want! What you like. What you hate. What you might try & what is absolutely off limits. Keep this list handy. Make changes to it as you're ready to.
I've seen newbies on a scene say, I like everything! Yeah that always ends in tears, miscommunication & major issues.
Speak your mind. Clearly. Respect yourself. Respect others & their choices. Trust your gut. Say no when you mean it.
If you're looking for a partner ask lots of questions, look for red flags, ask around your community (some will even offer references), & yes as someone said...get it in writing. Protect yourself.
Most of ALL! Enjoy the journey! It's quite a ride