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Member Since Aug 2003
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Default Aug 13, 2003 at 11:43 AM
Boy, I sure would like to stand up and take a bow, BUT...Even though things are notably changed at the house now, we still have our moments of laziness and attitude that it is all woman's work{HIS THOUGHTS, NOT MINE}.
And, I have found it just is not so easy to FOLLOW THROUGH with consequences of his Lack of help, But, the victory I guess is that it is further and further between EPISODES if you know what I mean. I just have to be thankful that the effort on his part is their now MOST of the time, even if it isn't ALL the time. Actually the last 3 days has been back to his old attitude, but this time, it's how I am reacting to his attitude that will change the out come. I have decided not to make it into world war three, but instead just point out what we agreed to, and if he says I am a NAG because of it{and he has} I just say..."You are only using the word NAG to stand on because it makes you FEEL uncomfortable me talking about what needs to be done, and you are not doing what you AGREED to do. So, You only see me as a nag because I cut in the middle of your Play time. I have done nothing wrong by bringing a remembrance to you of what you agreed to do, especially after 3 whole days." He did not respond good to that, and just wanted to Shut me up. So I did, after I had my say in a CALM way, then I walked away. I figure I should not have to "dance" around his feelings, yet say it firm enough, using a gentleness too. But, I don't have to play the VICTIM card, I am NOT a VICTIM. I am a woman who is married to a full able bodied man, who can not only help me because I ask him to , but help me because it is his duty out of respect to his wife, out of LOVE, and out of the PARTNERSHIP we share. I am NOT married to myself! So, I just hold my head up high now, and have RESPECT for MYSELF NOW! I deserve it. People don't always show it , but I still have choices, this is what I discovered on this journey, that I CHOOSE to have someone else determine my future, or I can create my own future using the wisdom and help from God. I am not talking about divorce, no, that's to easy, it's just to simple, No, the next guy could be the same way. No,. I have to decide for ME how I will handle the situation for ME, and accept the challenge and Push forward, making it work, being creative, and taking care of Me in the process. I am NOT talking about being cold, but being HONEST. I just make sure that my honesty doesn't cut like a knife, but brings healing in the situation instead of more pain. I think having respect for oneself is a big key here, one that I just determed lately in my life. Once I determed to respect myself, it gave me confidence to stop looking at my situation as hopeless, and stop playing the victim. If anything, HE is playing the victim card..."I can't do anything because I am tired" He will say ....or " This is woman's work"...That is just a cop out for him, and he knows it as he says it with a sheepish grin. He is the real victim because he is missing out on a more fulfilling relationship with his wife by causing this resentment in the home. Some might say that I am fighting against the current here, and causing myself grief. But I say, I am IN THE BOAT, GOING DOWN THE RIVER IN THE FORWARD MOTION STREAM. HE, IS ON THE SHORE. I SAY, GET IN THE BOAT OR RUN BESIDE IT, BUT THIS SHIP AINT STOPPIN FOR NOTHING. I am in forward motion, a motion of an organized and planned out life, full of confidence, and dreams that I can achieve. I don't have to wait on OTHERS to catch up, or get with the program. This is greater than just having a clean home, this reaches out into ALL areas of my life. Because I can think for my self, make decisions for myself, I have chosen to Respect myself. I choose to leave the bitterness behind me, and if he does not help me, HE is the one that looses, NOT me. I am going to stay in the mind frame that I AM A WINNER.
{I am getting down now off of the soap box, and returning the mic to the next person...LOL} whew......

Washable School Glue....yep, that's what I said.

Washable School Glue....yep, that's what I said.
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