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Default Jan 10, 2016 at 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by BuildABridge View Post
I don't think that people come to this site for a telling off, or "healthy criticism".

Most the time, I try to think what the person's reaction would be, upon reading the reply I wrote.

Sometimes I come as far as writing a lengthy and detailed response, then just before I press the "Post" button I realize that I am not "Mr Know It All", that every person who created an account in this site did so for a very special reason, that I don't know really what's on that person;s mind to make him/her write what he/she wrote, and also that it would be thoughtless, at the very least, to presume that whatever I write back will "open that person's eyes" that what I think is the reality of what they are going through.

But then again, what do I know...
No, you offer points that I thought of before I let my post stand.

I don't, by any means, believe that "telling off" and "healthy criticism" are the same thing, however. If I had felt, at all, that I was reprimanding the poster, I would have deleted my post.

And I didn't need to make any assumptions about what was written. The contrary statements were largely, but not entirely, "black is white," "red is blue," statements. And I know that there are those who may truly believe that red is blue, may structure their lives around their perception but... if they come here and we don't want to appear as a "Mr. Know It All," is it our place to play "Mr. Know Nothing" and agree that red is blue, to forget what the poster wrote ang glibly post a sort of "Have a nice day! " encouragement, critique the reasoning, or just delete anything you may have written because it would be "thoughtless" to point out in-your-face contradictions?

I have never thought of "support" as blindly encouraging. I am crazy. I have been for almost twenty years. But when I'm in conversation with my dead father it doesn't take me long to recognise that I'm having a delusional episode again. I would hope that if I came here, writing randomly as I do, and began writing about my dead father and talking of our wonderful daily conversations, that SOMEONE would have the guts to point out the contradiction instead of letting it slide because they don't know me well enough.

I do think, though, that the majority here share your opinion. That we are not here to try to help others that come here because we don't know their reasons and we're not professionals. And asking "what are we here for" is implicit in my question.

You did a good job of explaining why one shouldn't respond to a post but nothing to suggest why you would respond. I don't know you, I don't follow anyone here, but am I to assume that because you "really don't know" what's going on in someone else's mind that you don't respond at all?

God knows I am not trying to start any dissension. I'm trying to figure out the "rules". I know that I first came here because I am close, again, to insanity. I am dreadfully lonely, confined to my room for both mental and physical reasons, on and on. At present, my mind is twisted but not broken. I have periods of delusions, loss of lucidity, memory loss, etc. But I am lucid now and asking a question.

I have no idea if anyone else will reply, but thank you for yours.
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Thanks for this!
Gus1234U, Trippin2.0