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Default Jan 12, 2016 at 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by ValentinaVVV View Post
Agreed. And sometimes it is hard to tell who can be open enough to hear the truth.


Something similar to that crossed through my mind during the night (I've not slept since last Wednesday night – drugs on the way I hope – so I've been thinking, having one or two delusions daily and going in and out of hallucinations as the minutes tick by) and it reminded me of a conversation that I had with my doc last month.

He brought up the subject of trust. I had not been completely truthful with him about a particular symptom and I admitted the truth. He said something about the importance of being truthful with him and he asked me if I trusted him. I reminded him of the sexual abuse that I went through with the second psychiatrist and of a more recent incident when my GP wrote the wrong prescriptions for me, and I told him that I didn't have blind trust in him. That I had tasted the fallibility of the medical professions and that, no matter how much it irritates him, I am going to read about any new medication before putting it in my mouth.

I don't know the demographics of the participants here but I assume that at least half are or have been some crazy Fokkers at some point, just like me. And I am in a tenuous struggle again to stay sane. And, again, I assume that others here fit in that category, too. So many of us are mentally ill and have had treatment and are aware that it's not easy. Personally, not only have I ever experienced a quick and simple fix to any mental illness, I continue to go backwards (pun). Doc asked me yesterday what I thought of 2016. I told him that it meant that I was entering my 31st year of being treated for mental illnesses. And he made me laugh with, "guess that makes you feel old."

I know that people only find these forums by searching for them and only sign up and post because of personal concerns or edification. I don't read a lot of the messages here (as I have overstated previously) but I feel that there are more milquetoast replies than helpful much of the time.

There should be, I don't know, 3-4 people that have the experience of being under mental health care that might be able to discern between those who can or cannot handle a bit of honesty. Maybe the word critique sounds too much like criti...

(YEAH!!! My psych meds were just delivered!!! As I've been writing this I've been slipping in and out of reality and I thought that someone was knocking at the door but there was no one there... but this time there was. I was out of all of my psych meds... taken now, maybe I can sleep.)

So... critique sounds too much like criticism? But a film critic or a book critic don't "criticize" movies or book in the sense of being severely judgmental, but rather they offer a knowledgeable opinion of the work. Is anyone here knowledgeable of mental illness? By God if I haven't learned something after 31 years then I've wasted a lot of time and money trying anything to, more or less, just "feel better."

It's taken me over three hours to write this and I should eat since I just took those meds. I agree that it may be difficult to discern between those who may or who may not respond well to supportive criticism, but I've yet to hear a good reason why one should not offered from time to time.

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Thanks for this!