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Member Since Jul 2007
Posts: 7
Default Aug 25, 2007 at 07:15 PM
Dorsey I think you are doing very well. I think the dating online thing is pretty tough. I looked on there before and I get overwhelmed just looking. I think it would be best like the others said to get to be friends first. But it takes a long time to even get to really know someone.

I'm trying to date someone that was molested as a child. We have known each other since 1976. We have been dating off and on for seven years. We have just dated again for about a month. The other morning I talked about losing two of my cousins to heart attacks in their 40's, they died in there sleep. I mentioned in passing that this side of my family gets together this weekend. How I want to quit working so much overtime because my cousins that died were doing that also and I remembered one didn't show up till late one year and passed away like two weeks later. I just didn't want to be working so much overtime and get so stressed out. They both died in Sept.

This morning he called me and said he has been thinking about this for three days and says he can't do this. Says that if he woke up and saw me turning blue he would freak. So he wouldn't see me at all this weekend, and that he doesn't know if he can see me again, that he thinks he is just going to be alone. That he lost his wife due to divorce and that was hard enough, so he didn't think he could handle losing me like that.

I should know not to even bring up anything at all like that. He trust me and the last adult he trusted that he could go to protect him was his dad and he passed away right before his marriage ended. I am the only one that knows he was molested. He has told no one. I usually try to smooth it over with the little boy in this 49 year old man. But this time I'm going to let it go. I've tried so many times. He says he is a man with the glass half full. But a man with the glass half full would say, "we better make the best of every day we have together because I don't want to miss nothing!" But he has been abused, has not seeked counselling and dwells in fear every second of his life.

So be careful, but keep living the way you are! Don't let fear control you!

I admire you, you are trying! Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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