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Member Since Jun 2014
Location: Bulgaria
Posts: 55
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Crazy Jan 26, 2016 at 03:42 AM
Hi to all,

I just need an advice and/or different point of view on this subject.
I would say my family is a little below average financially speaking. We live in small Eastern European country. For a 20 year old like myself there aren't many job opportunities even though I study software development. Most of the time you choose the lesser evil. All of things I wanted to have or do were just plans for the future, but never in the present. My previous jobs paid enough so I could support my essential need, like food and some utilities like internet and phone. That's about it. I'm not saying this to complain and I do not seek pity. I just want to give some backstory so you can understand the situation I'm in. About two months ago I got this job in a foreign company that actually does not pay bad. It's not a career type job, but I could actually support myself, pay for education and save something aside. I get like 2-3 times more than my mother does, but I'm not going to be able to live alone and do all that so I'm staying with my parents. At least until I get on my feed. Of course since I've had so much time thinking about things I want the first thing I did was to make a list. The list is quite extensive. It includes laptop, PC upgrade, wardrobe improvement, training, eating healthy, set some % aside, fix some medical issues among other things. My friend is joking it looks like I've never existed before. So my question... How should I approach this? I could go with the flow for a few months and see how I feel. Potentially check some things from the list and eventually move out. That was my initial idea. But I just don't want to waste any time. I'm a contractor on this position, so both me and my employer could terminate the contract at any time without a notice. There is also some tension with my parents. They expect me to cover some of their expenses and I'd love to if I could, but the truth is their expenses have no limits. I could spend my whole salary and the home budget will still be negative. They have inability to save. They'll spend everything to the last penny and then loan some more. I know if I give them once, it will never stop. This is also one of the reasons I want to move out.

Well, this turn out longer than expected. Sorry about that.
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