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Member Since Jun 2014
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Default Jan 27, 2016 at 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by Travelinglady View Post
I don't know your country, but here in the U.S. we have thrift stores where I buy nice used clothes and other household items such as furniture...
Its not so common here as far as I know of.
My parents are not bad people. I'm sure if they were rich I would be the most spoiled kid. They just made a lot of bad choice that are taking their tow. Currently they're in so much dept the only options they have are me becoming rich or flee the country. My father hit the bottle hard partially because of that.

Originally Posted by BuildABridge View Post should be always aiming for your NEXT job...
And always save money.

This is the advice I'd give myself if I could go back 30 years in time.
I totally get what you mean. That's why I'm currently studying, taking courses and doing whatever I can to improve myself. I do not want to spend everything on objects and entertainment but you got to agree with me. When you realize you can actually afford something for yourself after all that time. Its tempting. The PC upgrade is purely for entertainment, but the whole thing is less than 500$, and I've spread it into three months. The laptop I need because I'm studying software development and without a laptop...well you can't learn to drive without a car. Me and a friend are planing to get as many driver licenses as possible, so If nothing works out we would become truck drivers. I do plan to save, actually in two different accounts. One is for all the things I plan to buy/pay. The other is for unallocated 10% of my salary. Of course on paper is easier than in reality. My first salary I spend in a week. I did however plan it for a month. I even went to great lengths like creating a spreadsheet with prices, "rating of necessity" and algorithm that gets the most needed things you can buy with X budget. So I end up buying glasses, coat, pair of shoes and I gave around 10% of it to my mother since I've promised her.

Originally Posted by rcat View Post
Maybe you indicated as such but I never caught it....
Yes, still live with my parents and I plan to do so for around 6 months or at least until we get into fight and I move out from anger. And I would rather move out and split the rent with a friend than pay rent to my parents, plus I doubt they would accept it.
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