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Default Jan 31, 2016 at 03:12 PM
Figuring out when to keep moving forward with a goal, when to modify a goal, and when to postpone or possibly abandon working toward a goal isn't an easy thing to do. We all have things that we'd like to accomplish, and a lot of the time, we equate modifying, postponing, or abandoning some goals with accepting defeat. But I don't think that success is all about getting getting everything that we want exactly the way that we wanted it. To me, adapting is a key part of succeeding.

Given the obstacles that it sounds like you're up against currently, you might not be able to achieve everything that you currently hope that you'll be able to achieve, but you can probably still do some good things and grow as a person. I might be oversimplifying things here, but I think that most of the problems that we face in life can be divided into two categories: the problems that we can change, and the problems that we can't change. Life can be difficult when we have a lot of problems that we can do little if anything to change, but usually, there are at least some things that we can change, and I'm sure that most would agree with me when I say that it does more good to focus on the things that we can change than it does to focus on things that we can't really change.

Getting into a long-term romantic relationship might or might not be the best thing for you right now, but maybe you can still work to strengthen any relationships that you might currently have or perhaps make a new friend or two. You might not be able to get back into graduate school right now, but maybe you can take a free online course or even just read some books on subjects that you might want to study in school later on. You might not currently have access to a therapist who uses DBT techniques, but you should probably still be able to find some good books that explain DBT techniques and how to implement them. So, as I was saying, we're not always going to get to achieve everything that we want exactly as we intend to. Most of the time, we're probably not going to. But if we adapt and reinvent ourselves, most of us can still achieve some things that we want to achieve, even if we can't necessarily accomplish all of the bigger things that we at one point hoped we'd be able to accomplish.

This seems to sum up my thoughts on what you've written for now. Thank you for reading.


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Thanks for this!