I know I do alot of things & that I am usually good at whatever I do, but I don't think about it much....it is just my life & the things I enjoy....just enjoy doing everything. I am always surprised when someone else gives me credit for the things I do & recognize it as something more than just natural like I think it is.
I do have to admit one thing that really made me excited today & realized I am much better at playing my flute than I ever gave myself credit. I haven't played my flute for years & today I came across it while I am packing up my house. It is a professional flute I purchased when I was majoring in music in college...with the open tone holes. When I purchased it, it took me forever to be able to play with the open tone holes....alot of air came out instead of music. Today when I picked it up & played....I was amazed at what a wonderful tone & that I was able to sound just as good as the last time I played. I am sure my fingers are going to be a lot slower, but at least it sounds good.
This is an interesting post about how we feel about ourselves...thanks,