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Default Feb 21, 2016 at 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by Miguel'smom View Post
Have you tried watching comidies? I know it sounds stupid but it can help.
Sometimes they help a little bit, but I just can't laugh at them I guess.

Originally Posted by BlueInanna View Post
Does doc understand about the irritability going on? Is your mind spinning? Could be a mixed episode. Lexapro makes some bp ppl go hypo/manic. Not fun.
I don't think it's a mixed episode, but I suppose it's possible. I'm getting 13 hours of sleep a night, I feel agitated/irritable, and I have anxiety.

My pdoc does know about the irritability, but I tend to get irritable whether I'm depressed or hypo/manic. Oddly enough, I tend to be more irritable when I'm depressed.

Originally Posted by gina_re View Post
These are my exact feelings lately. Everything I used to like doesn't intrigued me anymore. I'm a donut addict and passed by dunkin donuts the other day and didn't even feel compelled to stop and get a few. I feel 'meh' as well. I have days at wor where I cannot concentrate and just start looking at random websites instead. I was given the green light to increase my Lamictal to 150mgs to help. We'll see if that does anything.
I'm right there in the struggle with you. But I know it will get better. I'm trying to patient. But I know stability is possible, so I'm just trying to wait it out. In the mean time I'm keeping my sleep regular and watching my diet, and all the other things to keep me well. Good luck to you, the patience is the hardest part of bipolar disorder.
Yeah, I hope the increase in Lamictal helps you out. I do the same thing at work where I start looking at random websites because I can't concentrate. It's frustrating. :/

My pdoc did mention that keeping your sleep regular is a very good thing. I've been trying to do that, but I get drowsy during the day and sometimes I take a nap in the afternoon.
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