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Old Feb 23, 2016, 04:45 PM
AprilMay4 AprilMay4 is offline
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Member Since: Feb 2016
Location: Waco, Texas
Posts: 1
I suffered severe physical, sexual, and emotional abuse for the first 11 years of my life (I'm 21 now). I'm supposed to graduate in May, but my PTSD has been triggered. I'm failing classes due to absences and bad grades, I go back and forth between depression/fatigue and flashbacks/anxiety, and I only have one friend and no familial support. I do see a therapist once a week, but its a 2 hour drive to and from her. I'm taking 19 hours and I have accommodations, but I don't think I can make it through this semester and it makes me feel like a failure. I was diagnosed with ADD and PTSD when I was a teen and they gave me adderall, but coming off of it feels so bad so I stopped for several years. Recently, I've started taking it again because I just can't seem to cope and get anything done without it this semester. I'm worried about my future and I don't know what career I want. I feel worthless, lonely, and hopeless. Everything seems to be falling apart. I fear it may be too late to raise my grades. School has always been a struggle, but I was able to get high B's. Now I am in the D and F range. I don't think I could struggle through another semester if I fail this one. While I don't think I could kill myself, I imagine something else killing me to relieve my suffering. I feel stuck and I don't know what to do. Things don't seem like they will ever get better. What do I do? Do things ever get better?
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Open Eyes, Out There, PandorasAquarium, unaluna, WhatDayIsItAgain