First thing I want to say is that I'm sorry if you thought I was trivializing any adverse effects of drugs. The ones you mention are perhaps the most powerful psych drugs in existence. I'm sorry if you feel that you may have received them inappropriately.
Tardive dyskinesia (late-developing defect in movement), and akathisia (uncontrollable urge to move around, often in stereotypical ways), are very powerful side effects.
I'm glad that you have found some stability with lithium. Your response to it suggests that you may have had a bipolar spectrum disorder with some elements of psychosis?
I'm not a doctor, but I am a scientist who specializes in the same things that some doctors do. I'm a toxicologist, and I study the effects of chemicals on living organisms. Drugs, chemicals, the same things happen inside a body, just maybe to different degrees. If there's anything that you might like to question me about, I'd be happy to try and help you get an answer that satisfies you.