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Old Sep 02, 2007, 10:14 PM
myjoylove myjoylove is offline
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Member Since: Sep 2007
Posts: 2
Yes I to take Zoloft for my Over Compulsive Disorder and flash backs of what happen to me in the past. I also have tried Abilify because of the problems of being depressed that I can get very sad and lonely. I feel rejected and not accepted by people and lose my moods and get angry of what happen to me in High School I was never invited to a party or a dances because my Father was a scoorge and a grouch and would not let me have any friends or dates. He was too close to me and I was his favorite and every body hated me because ot him. He was brutal and hit me with a belt. I was very depressed and could not talk about it. Thanks for this program. <font color="pink"> </font>