Thread: My Reward
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Crowned "The Good Witch"
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Default Mar 29, 2016 at 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by ~Christina View Post
Dieting is the fastest way to gain weight and feel deprived on so many levels... which leads to falling off the diet wagon.

Lifestyle changes are far more helpful and has long lasting health benefits.

Good luck
I don't consider this a diet at all. I say diet lightly, but I consider this to be a "weight loss program" which is hardly that either. I don't give up food. I am making lifestyle changes, as you put it, but I do not deprive myself of unhealthy food. I just make a choice to eat them in small portions. With 14.6 pounds lost I've drank two bottles of alcohol (and gained weight, but lost it within two days), eaten chocolate and sourdough bread, ice cream, etc. Aside from the alcohol, which I did go overboard with, foods that are deemed unhealthy I eat in small portions without necessarily avoiding or cutting them out completely. I ate two small ribs and a medium sized rib with hunks of meat on them, but before that I made sure I ate a few scoops of coleslaw and a half cup of beans before I ate the ribs.

In short (too late), yes, this is not a diet but a lifestyle change.

Originally Posted by George H. View Post
I was going to warn you about putting the cart before the horse with that reward subject but... 14lb in 4 weeks is great. To follow up on Moreta's post... you will need to think of this as life, the way it is from now on. Goals are great for measuring progress but it can't end there. Weight loss programs tend to be very short lived and frequently lead to a seesaw of gain and diet, gain and diet. Try to think of it more as healthy living.
That's the plan! I have goals within goals. I have goals to eat 2 salads every day, one small and one big, and another goal to eat veggies alongside my salads, and my goal is to eat enough fruit as well with a strong focus on veggies, because before the diet I ate very little of it. I also try to change things up to not get bored. I make variations in my salads, I eat different veggies, as a treat I like to eat breakfast for dinner.

I also make an effort to go to the gym on a regular basis, and I have my own goals for that too, such as adding 5 minutes on the treadmill each week.
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