I am currently not seeing a therapist, but it's something that I'm considering. Because there is just so much I need to let out. That I really can't with my friends. My husband is great but he's on overload himself. Poor guy. Thank you so much for all of your advice
And omegalamed we weren't trying to get pregnant it just happened, which we were excited about, but scared. Because we had already had 3 losses.. and 2 kids who we love but we are slightly overwhelmed with lol and right now we are just saying that we need to give ourselves a break. Let my body heal before we consider trying. It might be a few months or maybe a couple of years. I mean my youngest is only 1 and a half. So waiting isn't a bad idea. But I'm afraid to try again, what if I lose another one.. I dont think I could live with myself. But I'm Sure everything will turn out ok
thanks for all the help and advice