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Member Since Oct 2012
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Default Apr 21, 2016 at 08:25 PM
I admit upfront that I'm a liberal. I'm cisgender myself, but I eagerly stand for equal rights for all LGBT people because it feels like the RIGHT thing to do. Nobody deserves discrimination based on something so personal as their gender identity or sexual orientation, just like nobody deserves discrimination based on skin color. I firmly believe this.

Seriously, though, what is the big deal about allowing transgender people to use the restroom associated with their gender identity? I cannot for the life of me understand why so many people are riled up about this, like the morons calling for a boycott of Target because of their gender identity restroom policy. Yes: there are perverts, molesters and rapists out there; it's a terrible, sad fact of life which nonetheless is not likely to change any time soon. But what conservatives fail to understand is that there are just as many cisgender perverts as transgender perverts, if not more. Why are people so quick to judge and label anyone who doesn't identify with their biological gender as a pervert? Why are they making it all about sex crimes, when it's really about letting people be who they truly are? People act like allowing a transgender woman to use the women's bathroom poses a grave threat to women and girls -- Why? How? If YOU were forced to use the opposite gender's bathroom for whatever reason, would that automatically turn you into a maniacal rapist or molester? Are our morals so easily upended?

Plus, the vast majority of public restrooms, at least here in the USA, have stalls. There is privacy even within the bathrooms themselves, so it's not like we're suddenly going to be exposing our precious children to the genitals of the opposite sex -- at least not any moreso than already happens with cisgender perverts in their own bathrooms! Where is the harm in allowing someone who identifies with a certain gender to use that gender's restrooms? There seems to be a woeful misconception that all transgender people must be perverts, when that is demonstrably not the case. I don't understand at all. Maybe it's just another excuse for small-minded people to hate each other. I just can't abide all the hate.

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