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Default May 02, 2016 at 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Patagonia View Post
Just some questions if that's ok, so I understand this better.

He had sex with his aunt "a couple of times." How old is he? Was this recent or like during teenage years??

And sorry for the next question but was protection used? Bec if you plan to have a physical relationship with him it would be nice to know.

I'm also not sure why someone would say they had a terrible secret to someone unless they wanted to get this secret off their chest.
What do you wanto do with this information? Has he given you any background information about it?
No, it wasn't in his teens, it happened not too long ago, I guess he was around 21-22.
I'm not completely sure if they used protection. He told me he was wasted the first time and remembers very little of it, he basically woke up on top of her and was feeling very sick (from tre booze not the situation). I believe she was quite sober and aware though.
At the second time, he was actually conscious but he was nervous and had some trouble with keeping the erection. Not sure if a condom had anything to do with it anyway.
Well, you do have a point. He did say to me that he wanted to tell but didn't really, 'cause now I hold an information that could ruin his family. He thinks I might tell my friend who is also his cousin in case we break up or something. I don't see myself telling his secret to this cousin even if I was mad at him, but I understand why he can't completely trust me at this point. He said I shouldn't have pressed him because he just can't lie.

I'm not sure what I should do with it. I don't wanna end things for something that happened in his past, but I don't know how to act from now on. This is disturbing me much more than I let him know it was. It's just that there's been a tension between them from the start, I simply chose to shrug it off as I didn't think responsible adults like themselves would do such a thing.
So now I feel weird knowing he slept with his aunt. Maybe this will pass and I'll be able to look at them and not think of it. I just highly doubt it right now.
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