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Member Since Dec 2015
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Default May 11, 2016 at 01:43 PM
Okay and here is the keypoint: Trans people don't "dress up as the opposite gender". They dress as the person they are and when they want to pee then they just want to go to the bathroom that has there gender sign on it if they are gendered.

Your fear of a dude will dress up to harass women is totally out of context. He will do it anywas. HE IS A ****ING CREEP WHO IS DOING SOMETHING ILLEGAL do you really think it will stop him if there are bills that say that transpersons aren't allowed in there? So just let them pee.

Do you know what makes me sad the most on your "they have to had the full reassign thing"? That not everyone want them. You are forcing them to do so if they want to pee. I don't know about you, but when I'm at the bathroom, I don't look - and I don't care - what the person next door has in their pant. That would be gross.
On the contrary do you want guards on the door? Looking inside your pants? Or how do you even plan to make this happen? When does someone qualify? And were do they go mid-transition?

I posted a study in this thread before if you want a taste of what it's like to be a trans person and trying to pee in public.

Just an add to think: where I live, we don't have such a bill. And _surprise_ there are no problems. We don't have dudes pretending to be women. If they want to harass, they just go in there. Thats a complete different problem.
The only persons that have problems becuase of this are the trans people, not the cis ones.

Last edited by Pflaumenkeks; May 11, 2016 at 02:05 PM..
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