Thread: Rejection
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Default Jun 02, 2016 at 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Icare dixit View Post
I don't believe that for a second. If the school is any good and if there's no discrimination based on ethnicity.

That kind of thing really doesn't help. Racism is racism, regardless of whether you talk about your own "race" with pride or with scorn.
Nah, for real... You have to look at the facts. Hispanics are a minority and most of them don't go to college. In many countries in Centeal and South America, the cartel is far more lucrative than getting an education and getting a normal job.

The Hispanics who flee Central and South America are often trying to flee the crime in hopes of achieving the American Dream. Most of the education down there is relatively poor, and a lot of them don't speak English, which makes it nearly impossible to get a decent job in the US unless they have the money to learn English.

So f given the option to choose an English education or join the cartel, they will probably join the cartel because it's easier and more lucrative unless they can somehow immigrate to the US legally, but that's very difficult. Usually you need a job and someone to sponsor your visa... and well, how are you going to get a job without an English education? It's going to be incredibly difficult

The other thing is, the cartel is a very scary thing for most. Having the protection of the cartel is something that might be very useful. So yeah, when it comes to cartel vs education, probably cartel. It's not racist; it's fact
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