Hi...Lamictal like all anti-convulsive drugs can cause folate and B12 deficiencies..both of which are extremely important in something called methylation. And being MTHFR, I have a really hard time converting folic acid to this metabolically active folate (used, on example, to make the brain neurotransmittors). Lots of people have this MTHFR, and I believe it is cited as a contributing cause to bipolar.
Not diagnosed bipolar but with the kind of dysautonomia in which standing elevates norepinephrine. That chemical can be a stimulant. My psych said I don't have bipolar exactly but may be bipolar in training
Mileage I'm sure varies in different folks but lamictal did nothing for me.
Have read that some people do experience panic attacks with the drug. It is far more an antidepressant than a mood stabilizer is what I've read.
Originally Posted by MedicatedMe
For those who've taken Lamictal, do you remember if you experienced panic attacks, rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, decreased appetite, constant crying within the first few days of taking it? I'm freaking out big time. It was mild this morning but seems to have gotten worse. Dunno if it's just me or the drug.
I also can't sit still. Pacing back and forth, worrying and trying to calm myself down. My psychiatrist didn't prescribe me anything else to deal with this except Horizant, which I'm beginning to think is BS.