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Default Jun 20, 2016 at 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Crazy Hitch View Post
If someone literally stared at me for an unnecessarily prolonged period of time ... creepy. I wouldn't go so far as to give them the "look" of discontent though.

I'd just utterly ignore it.

Don't feel the need to defend how you dress, what you wear, the size of your boobs etc. Who cares. Staring is staring and rude. It's their issue, not yours.

A quick second glance, well, I'm not going to complain
I normally don't even try looking at guys like that usually. I tend to just ignore them or try to get away from them as fast as I can. If they do get out of line with me like those guys did with me that I mentioned before, then I'll speak up for sure! I did tell one guy to eff off after he said that he had a big **** and that if I wasn't married, he'd take me to the nearest hotel and eff me. WTH? LOL!

Glancing is OK here and there as long as it's not in a pervy way of course such as glancing at a woman's chest in an obvious way! lol!
Thanks for this!
Crazy Hitch