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Default Jun 26, 2016 at 03:19 AM
Ok, so this turned into a longer mess than I'd meant to when I started typing it out.

I've always had this problem, and it seemed to be a lot better or gone during this past year or so of (sorta) stability/doing better, but I feel like now it's unmasking itself again (due to lowering lamictal and/or just general mental worsening). I've always felt like I had so much more going on in my brain outside of just depression/anxiety/that sort of thing, something about the way my brain works. I've just never really known how to explain it all. It's like I've got an overactive mind, but to the extreme. And I don't even mean just conscious racing thoughts. Even if my conscious thoughts seem to be moving slowly sometimes, it's like there's just a lot of "extra" going on in my brain (which I've thought might be why lamictal helps me so much, stopping excessive brain firing or something, but I could just be pulling that out of my ***).
My perception of the world and myself are unstable a lot of the time, when this is going on. I don't know how to explain this, but it's like I've got an unstable sense of reality but not really in an actual psychotic way. It's like I can feel shifts in my brain and the way it sees things/myself constantly. I know I have derealization and depersonalization, but it feels like it's not just that.

Anyway, I guess I'm trying to figure out if some of this weirdness is related to bipolar or what.

I guess what got me thinking is this thing about my moods recently, which tends to happen when all of that ^ is worse.
I'll be going about my day, and my mood will change or something good/bad will happen, and it's like my brain automatically goes to work reframing everything and practically reassessing my whole life, according to how I'm feeling I guess. Let's say, for example, I've been looking for a new job and have been kinda worried about it. I'll get in a bad mood or something bad will happen and suddenly I'll be thinking that it's just not gonna work out, I'm too anxious, I can't do this, etc. Then, sometime later, something good will happen, and my brain jumps into thinking, "see, it's fine. I'm doing well right now, I'm going to get a good job and it'll be great," and picturing things positively. This might not sound too crazy, but it happens constantly throughout the day and is really distracting. And it's not just with the one thing, like getting a job. My brain will do this about every little thing happening in my life, all day. It's like the world's going to end multiple times a day, then things are suddenly ok and things are gonna be ok, then it feels like the world's gonna end again.

I don't know whether I ever saw actual clear mood swings (back when this used to be a bigger problem, or now), just a general instability for sure. But now I've wondered if I experience some sort of extremely fast cycling and that could explain what's going on. And the thing is I don't typically go into hypomanic territory with this, or at least sometimes I know I don't.
I've only really looked for and noticed cycling on a longer scale the past couple of years. This other stuff was a big problem before that, when I wasn't aware of the whole bipolar thing and just knew I was depressed/anxious/unstable/whatever. A lot of this wasn't as bad this past year or so while I was doing somewhat better, coincidentally while on lamictal, and I think lowering the dose is possibly (at least part of) what's starting to bring it back again...

I feel like I need to know what this all is while I'm trying to get off lamictal/mess with my meds in general. You'd think I would know my own brain better, but it feels like all I know right now is A. my mind was a horrid mess before lamictal B. my mind has been a very improved mess on lamictal C. I don't even know why exactly lamictal helps so much. I'm afraid I've been underestimating how much lamictal helps me, and I want to get off of it but don't even know what I need to look for to replace it. I started it (for depression) right around the time I started really suspecting bipolar, and the timing has made things confusing.
I'm sorry this is such a mess. I feel so stupid when I freak out and type out a big mess and then am too tired and unfocused to make it less messy, but I'm desperate. It feels like lowering lamictal is unleashing the mess in my brain and I'm just, AAH.

TL;DR Can anyone who's experienced extremely fast cycling explain what it's like? I feel like that's a kind of vague question, sorry. Can anyone who's experienced it, or anyone, really, answer any of these questions?

-With extremely fast cycling, is it hard to notice the actual "cycles" sometimes? Sort of like it just blurs together or something?

-Does extremely fast cycling ever mess with your view of the world/sense of reality/view of yourself?

-Does anyone ever get ultradian cycling without going into the hypomanic side?

-Does anyone experience extreme sensitivity with people when doing worse? When I'm like this it's even harder to try to keep a stable mood as soon as I'm around people... The past few days I have been extremely sensitive to others' moods and things.

Thanks for any help.

Last edited by kkrrhh; Jun 26, 2016 at 03:33 AM..
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