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Default Jul 05, 2016 at 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by seahorse View Post
In the World of Psychology section, there is an article that warns people about entering into a relationship with someone who suffered from childhood emotional neglect. This writer seems to be using the World of Psychology section to take personal jabs at people in her life, and in doing so, paints everyone in this population as people to steer clear from.

How Childhood Emotional Neglect Affects Relationships | World of Psychology
As if experiencing emotional neglect in childhood wasn't bad enough, now we aren't supposed to ever find happiness as adults? I'm so sick of these articles stigmatizing people who and trying to turn the rest of the world against us, ensuring that we stay miserable.

If you truly love someone (unless they are hurting you or leave you for someone else of course) then you will support them as they deal with their issues. If someone was paralyzed they would be just as "exhausting" to care for them as a person with emotional issues but no one expects people to just "Walk away" from them for something they cannot help. (I'm not saying people should not leave if they are not happy but they should not be told to for that reason because it is possible to love a person with any problem) Especially if they are married. People leave and divorce way too much, maybe this nonsense of telling other people what that should do is the reason?

I'm not even going to read it knowing that other people will take that advice and there's nothing I can do about it

I've told myself one day I will change all of this that makes our lives difficult but I don't know how anymore...

I hope the author of this article realizes that our issues she complains about. She is making them worse.
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