Is there a forum to discuss antenatal depression? I'm not sure that is what I have, but I'm 4.5 months pregnant and my stress, anxiety, and depression have kicked into high gear lately. Im just not myself... At times I feel like I'm looking at myself on the outside as a person I barely recognize. I'm not sad about my pregnancy.. In fact the seems to be the one thing in my life I am happy about. But on the other hand, I don't want to bring this baby into my life when I'm feeling how I've been feeling lately. I want the absolute best for him and I am worried I won't physically be able to be the type of mom I want to be. I have a 2.5 year old daughter who has witnessed me breakdown crying, yelling and losing all my patience, and immediately feeling guilty... I have been trying really hard for her but it's hard sometimes. She ends up watching a lot more tv than I'd like her too because at times I don't have the energy to run around and do the things I wish I could be doing with her. And when I do, I'm not 100% all there. And that pains me even more because I just love and cherish every moment with her and I know this phase goes so quick. And as for my husband... I am finding myself getting angry and bitter toward him quite often, or just plain sad and upset that things aren't the same with us anymore and it's all my fault.