It's a good test for checking metabolism of certain meds. But that's the key, it mainly checks how you'll metabolize things. It's a beneficial short cut but not a silver bullet.
It can predict if a medication would be ineffective to some degree (one of my patients could not break down venlafaxine to get the active desvenlafaxine) so we switched her from venlafaxine to desvenlafaxine directly. In that case it was helpful.
In another case, someone is so side effect sensitive that I'm going to be putting her on buspirone next month...buspirone is NOT in the ideal medication list, but every SSRI and SNRI she's had has caused significant side effects. The test suggests she may need a higher than usual dose of buspirone. It's not in her "ideal" medication list for her genetics. But all of the "ideal" meds have made her too sleepy, nauseated, etc. This test is not going to guarantee that the patient will be actually able to tolerate side effects.
I've tested 5 patients and it's benefitted 3. So reasonable success but not a guarantee