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Default Jul 20, 2016 at 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by pirilin View Post
I'm not going to say that English is a very poor languaje in vocabulary, but it is.
English may be complex and quirky, but it is very rich in vocabulary. Whether someone possesses the knowledge to avail themselves of that linguistic gold mine is another matter.

Give it to Stephen Fry, then sit back and listen to the music.

I love English. I love language! It's fascinating. Besides my native English, I've studied Russian, French, Spanish, and to a lesser degree Latin and Hebrew, with a brief foray into Gaeilge (Irish Gaelic). There are many flavors of wonderful.

Today's random thought: Why, oh why, with the level of technology available, does the "music" they play when you're on hold sound like it's coming out of a tin can with a case of the hiccups?! Oh to be a techie genius, and save the world from this scourge!
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Thanks for this!