Originally Posted by Eamgr
Started to have some shakiness in my hands earlier and then again at night. Is this something that can stop after a while or is it most likely to be a constant thing.
Some advice and info would be very appreciated. I'm on Metaziapine!
It's probably going to settle down as you get used to it. I have taken Mirtazapine too and had a mild tremor in my hands which soon disappeared.
I was prescribed it because it also had anti anxiety properties. Is there any chance the tremor is anxiety related?
I agree it's best to discuss it with your prescribing doctor as it can cause longer term tremor, but there is no rush as it will stop if you stop the meds even after some months. There is time to "wait and see" for a while.
In any case you should not change your medication without consulting the doctor as stopping suddenly can have unpleasant side effects.
Best of luck, I hope you're one for whom it settles down over time.