Thread: I'm sick
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Member Since Jul 2015
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Posts: 119
Default Aug 09, 2016 at 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Skeezyks View Post
Hello Jadenmia1: Well... you are seeing a therapist... which is an excellent start! But your T can't really help you if you are not honest with her. I've stopped seeing therapists in part due to the fact there are things I can never talk to anyone about. So what's the point?

My thinking, with regard to your post, is... lay it all out there with your T. You might also consider some psych med's if you're not already on some. It doesn't have to be permanent. But sometimes a person needs something to buoy them while they're trying to work things out in therapy. At some point, you might also consider some couples counseling, if your hubby is willing...

Thank you for your reply!! I agree about the therapist.. I haven't seen her in months because I just wasn't gaining much from the sessions and it's hard to find a sitter to watch my children while I go so I gave up. I have had a recent breakdown so I have booked in to see her in 2 weeks. Hoping to at least get something off my chest.

At this point I'm desperate to try anything that will help me feel normal again. I feel just sick from the constant thoughts and anger it's taking over my life!!! I want to break down and cry and run away and it's only getting worse. But of course nobody knows this.. My husband knows something is wrong because I take everything out on him. Ugh.
Medication scares me a little though, I was put on Paxil and had the worst reaction to it.. I couldn't talk or walk, just throwing up and hallucinating. I was terrified by it!! I'd be scared to ever take anything like that again

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